WebPlatForm InstaForex - Browser-Based Trading Platform
InstaForeksning har bir mijozi platformani tanlash imkoniga ega, u katta darajada treyderning dunyo moliyaviy maydonchalarida ishlash qiziqish va afzalliklariga javob beradi. Bugungi kunda kompaniya bir qancha ommabop savdo terminallarining ko‘rinishini taklif etadi. Shuni ta’kidlab o‘tish kerakki, har bir platforma treyderning turli vazifalarini amalga oshirishga javob beradi. Har bir savdo veb-platformasi qanday so‘rovlarga javob berish to‘g‘risida quyida tanishib chiqish mumkin.
- Uchta interfeys (klassik, dashbord, grafik)
- Savdoni tahlil qilish uchun qulay va foydalanish oson grafik
- Tikli grafik va treyderlarning pozitsiyalari
- Barcha savdo vositalarini savdo qilish imkoniyati
- Dolzarb yangiliklar va tahlillar
- Barcha turdagi hisob-varaqlari uchun mos keladi
- Kompaniyaning qolgan terminallari bilan sinxronizatsiya
Trade through the browser without any limitations
System requirements: Any OS, Any Browser
What is the Web Platform from InstaForex?
It's an exclusive development of our company, available only to InstaForex clients. The Web Platform allows for trading activities in an internet browser without the need for downloading or installing any additional applications.
How does Web Platform differ from most other trading terminals?
Perhaps the key distinction of the Web Platform is that it offers access to three distinct interfaces simultaneously:
- Classic: This displays a list of instruments, the direction of the trend, price fluctuations, and traders' positions for each.
- Dashboard: This space showcases tick charts, which allow users to track price changes for 12 or more instruments at the same time.
- Chart: Here, users can access a detailed chart for any instrument, as well as a tick chart.
Why is the Web Platform often termed as a universal trading terminal?
This is because it is suitable for all types of trading accounts.
What trading instruments are available in the Web Platform?
Users of the Web Platform have access to over 300 trading instruments. This includes popular currency pairs, CFDs on shares of global corporations, precious metals, energy carriers, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and many other popular assets.
What are the primary features of the Web Platform?
- Three interfaces (classic, dashboard, chart).
- A convenient and visual chart with tools for trading analysis.
- A tick chart and information on traders' positions.
- The capability to trade with over 300 instruments.
- Up-to-date news and analytics.
- Compatibility with all account types.
- Synchronization with other company terminals.