
Kompyuter, IOS, Android uchun MT4 yuklab olish: Eng yaxshi savdo terminali

InstaForeksning har bir mijozi platformani tanlash imkoniga ega, u katta darajada treyderning dunyo moliyaviy maydonchalarida ishlash qiziqish va afzalliklariga javob beradi. Bugungi kunda kompaniya bir qancha ommabop savdo terminallarining ko‘rinishini taklif etadi. Shuni ta’kidlab o‘tish kerakki, har bir platforma treyderning turli vazifalarini amalga oshirishga javob beradi. Har bir savdo veb-platformasi qanday so‘rovlarga javob berish to‘g‘risida quyida tanishib chiqish mumkin.

MetaTrader 4 funksionali

  • 9 ta taymfreym
  • Texnik tahlil uchun vositalarining keng tanlovi
  • Iqtisodiy yangiliklar tasmasi onlayn rejimida
  • Avtomatik tarzda savdo qilish imkoniyati
  • Pozitsiyalarni lokirovka qilish imkoniyati
  • Bepul indikatorlar va maslahatchilarning keng tanlovi
  • Foydalanuvchi indikatorlar, maslahatchilarini yaratish (MQL4)
  • Xavfsiz 128-bitli shifrlash
  • Bitta chaqirishda savdo qilish
  • Treyling-stop
Before you download the MetaTrader 5 platform, check out the differences between MT4 and MT5 platforms
Tez, ishonchli va tekshirilgan MetaTrader 4 ni yuklab oling
Tizim talablari: Windows 7 va yuqori
Beshinchi avlod platformasining keng savdo imkoniyatlariga qaramay, ko‘pchilik treyderlar to‘laqonli treyding uchun yetarli imkoniyatlarga ega MT4 savdo terminalida ishlashni afzal ko‘radilar. Batafsilroq
Ko‘p vazifali
Treyderga 2 ta bozor orderi, 4 ta kechiktirilgan order, 2 ta bajarish rejimi, 2 ta stop-orderi va treyling-stop buyruqlarini yuborish imkonini beradi
Grafiklarni qurish uchun imkoniyatlar: stil va ranglarni tahrirlash, avvaldan o‘rnatilgan shablonlarni yuklash, keraksiz funksiyalarni chiqarib tashlash mumkin. Bularning barchasi grafiklarni o‘qishni soddalashtiradi
Ko‘p tilli
Butun dunyodan foydalanuvchilar MT platformasi va uning ma’lumotlaridan o‘zlarining ona tillarida foydalanishlari mumkin
Keng tanlov
Barcha turdagi savdo usullari qo‘llab-quvvatlanadi - xejirlash va LIFO
FAQ (Question/Answer) | MetaTrader 4

How do I start trading on the MetaTrader 4 platform?

To begin trading, you need to download the trading terminal to your desktop device.

How safe is it to trade on the MT4 platform?

InstaForex guarantees its clients secure trading on MetaTrader 4. The data exchange process between the terminal user and the trading platform's servers is securely encrypted using 128-bit encryption. Additionally, client's trading accounts are under thorough protection.

Are there any unique features of the MT4 platform?

When presented as a top-3 list, they are as follows:
  • Multitasking: This allows for the submission of 2 market orders, 4 pending orders, 2 execution modes, 3 stop orders, and a trailing stop.
  • Rich Toolkit: Offers the ability for endless editing of trading timeframes, template loading, and other tools to facilitate chart reading.
  • No Trading Restrictions: MT4 supports all trading methods – hedging and LIFO (Last In First Out).

What instruments are available for trading in MetaTrader 4?

MT4 users can access more than 300 trading instruments. These include popular currency pairs, CFDs on shares of global companies, precious metals, energy sources, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and many other popular assets.

How do the MT4 and MT5 terminals differ?

There are two main differences between the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms:
  • In the MT4 terminal, each trader's transaction is registered individually. In contrast, MT5 combines all existing positions automatically.
  • MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 use different programming languages. MT4 operates with MQL4, while MT5 uses MQL5.

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